Care for the carers or they won't care for you
Anni Albers's loom This, published in the New York Times, 8 May 2020. Where have you been all my life, Kim Brooks? I love you. Forget Pancakes. Pay Mothers . Yes. Yes. Lysistrata. Cinderella. Wages for Housework, Italy, 1972. Studs Terkel. Work done in the home is work . Cooking, cleaning, making, mending. Labour. Labour should be remunerated. Fairly. It takes skill to clean and care. It can be itemised, shown as a workload document. This work is not invisible. It exists and can be quantified. It is invisibilised, feminised, certainly. But it is not women's work for all that. I needed a doctorate to raise children. I needed a doctorate to ward off the shit that is flung at women once they become mothers (or indeed if they don't become mothers). Shit is just flung at women, and they are expected to suck it up, clean it off, say nothing, be pretty, and be flung on the heap when they're done. Fuck that. Pay carers, or you'll end up paying the ...